Roxborough State Park is one my favorite spots to take photos in Colorado. This may be heavily swayed by the fact that I grew up 5 minutes away from it, however, the gorgeous rock formations in my opinion out show Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. These photos are taken with my current camera which is a Nikon D7000. This state park has everything an outdoorsy person would want. It has multiple hikes with different difficulties and views, while also providing ample photography opportunities. The photo above is a goofy photo because when I take photography too seriously I tend to get to tight and end up not seeing possible photos. Everyone needs a good snowman in the winter, and might as well have an amazing backdrop for it!
Now the technique used in the photo above is one of my favorites. In order to get the sun to look like a star and provide a cool aesthetic to your photo you need to do two things. One, turn your f-stop all the way up to its highest setting as you can see mine was at f/22. The second thing you need to do is make the sun as small as possible. If you want a few more tips here is a great video on how to make your sunstars better thanks to Joshua Cripps Photography!